Thursday, September 07, 2006

Petit Entry

Wow, I´m so excited people are actually reading this!

This week was good and we are tired. Paul had his first week of classes. He is taking 4 all together. They are at 8 in the morning so he gets up super early. The good thing about getting up early here is that it´s not so damn hot before the sun comes up! He likes his classes so far but finding the books and photocopies is a whole other story. Plus, the facultad is brand new (and sort of not finished) and way out in the middle of no where (literally) so if you forget something, it is a long bus ride back to the campus.

I´m taking a one-on-one Spanish class that is going great. My maestra is really nice and we talk about all kinds of stuff, especialmente chismes!

Paul and I went back to the immigration office today (so much fun) and I got my visa extension, so I am legal to be here until February. Paul has to go back again! to get his FM-3 approved. Don´t ask!

After the immigration office, we went to Sanbourns for lunch and if you know what Sanbourns is, you know we had the limonada, mole, and cochinita pibil. Yum!

We don´t have any big plans for the weekend, trying to save our money so it lasts until Paul´s next installment. It cost a lot to get situated and stuff so we are a little over budget.

Sorry this is a boring post, I didn´t think we´d be in an internet cafe tonight and thought I should post something since I´m here. To make this entry a little less boring I thought I´d include a photo that happens to be on my flash pin. (Yes, I carry photos of my dogs on my flash pin, ok) In fact, I know someone (who will remain nameless) who carries photos of his grand-dogs in his wallet!

I think this photo sums up Lucas pretty well, plus, Masha had a whole post dedicated to her!



Anonymous said...

What happened to Lucas's legs? They shrank! Seriously, though, that is a very cute picture!
(See....I was serious that I checked your blog everyday!)


Anonymous said...

Hi, Melissa Love Lucas' picture--Neil and Sutton have won 2nd place in an owner -dog look alike contest. What great granddogs we have!! Have a good week . Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

It's great to read your life in this blog! I have one too but i am sorry that it is in Chinese...looking forward to the next!_Molly