Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy September!

Well it’s September!

We have been here almost two weeks and we are ready to get into a routine. We’ve been having fun, but we have been doing a lot of boring stuff too like going to the Immigration office to get Paul’s papers all squared away and the get me the 180 days I should have gotten in Cancun - the customs guy was kind of a jackass and only gave me 90 days. That was a super-fun trip! Plus we’ve had to run around getting Paul credentials for his classes, figure out how to register, and find out if there is a class I can take. Phew!

Things should get rolling next week. Paul is going to take 3 classes, two lit and one learning Yukatek Maya, which looks pretty hard from the required book, but he’s already working on refreshing his memory from last summer. He’ll be busy, but the classes look really interesting. So he’ll be taking Maya Level 3, Contemporary Mayan Literature (jealous), and a seminar on Fuentes (not so jealous!).

As for me, I have a one-on-one class lined up at the Education Department of the University to work up my Spanish. I’ll also be working on various projects with Mexican students from other classes at the university so that should be fun. Plus, I have to finish that pesky thesis. So far I’ve finished two books I brought for the thesis and am ready to start some of the revising. There is also a possibility I might be teaching English so if that works out, I’ll have some pocket money and no time to spend it – Paul likes that!

I guess that’s all for now. The weather is hot in the afternoon followed by a big thunderstorm that cools everything off for the evening, which is great. All of September should be the same.

We’re going downtown tonight when it clears up to check out the evening market. Paul wants to enjoy his last evening as a twenty-something before the big day tomorrow!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to post something everyday....otherwise I don't have enough things on the Internet to procrastinate with, and I might have to actually work on my dissertation. Come on, help me out!
