Masha had surgery on Wednesday to remove one of her lower canines because it was beginning to rot. Here are some "before" and "after" photos of her pearly whites. Because the surgery is pretty invasive they have to put her on a morphine drip and monitor her organs. That means it costs A LOT of money and so Masha now has a job selling tomatoes from our garden to passers-by and neighbors (sound familiar?). She has about 2,000 tomatoes to sell yet before she pays off her debt!
Pablo and I thought it was pretty funny that the price estimate we received stated that she will receive a "complimentary" nail trim and ear cleaning, which is great, don't get me wrong, but complimentary, I don't think so!
Ok, enjoy the photos of Mashi-Mash and her (non)tooth!

This one is pretty good, she looks like she's smiling for the camera. Say "cheese" Mash!
Here you can see where she is missing her tooth. We knew we would have to have the tooth removed eventually because she chipped it pretty bad when she was a pup. She went through surgery very well and the doctor was pleased with the procedure (duh, it was much money, yo!). She goes back in a week for a check-up and then in another week for a final "ok" and is given a clean bill of health.

She was on some pretty powerful pain meds, morphine at the hospital and rimadyl at home. After we brought her home we tried not to laugh when she started walking sideways, but it was unbelievably hilarious. Luckily she was pretty tired and went to bed early that night. I was glad she slept all night. The next day she was back to her old (cranky) self again - minus one tooth.
She is doing really well even though she can't have any bones or hard toys for two weeks and she is on soft (canned) food for awhile.
Masha's favorite thing in the world? Canned food. She loves the stuff and of course we had to buy enough to give Lucas a bit too - wouldn't want him to be jealous! Here's the last photo of her mouth. It's a pretty good profile shot.

In other news, KK came to see us for a night and we had a FAN-TABULOUS time with her! You have to appreciate those friends you don't see very often but when you do you can just pick up where you left off. AND you have to appreciate those friends who can enjoy a coffee shop as much as you! Much love KK
Mom and HSD are coming tomorrow to help us move our stuff into storage. Hopefully it won't take too long and we'll have cooler temperatures.
The heat wave is supposed to break tonight. *hope, hope* We have had record temperatures for the last 3 days - I'm trying not to complain by convincing myself that I'm in training for Mexico!

But what's her porn name?
so i'm going to be HSD in your blog. Y & I are thinking of initials for names to use in our comments. Maybe SBD or D&WD.
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