Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Did you see The Closer on Monday night?

Well, if you missed The Closer, you really missed it, it was a good one. The funniest part was when one of the morgue staff asks Deputy Police Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson and Seargent Gabriel, "What's your porn name?" He explains that your porn name is the name of your first pet followed by the first street you lived on as a child. So I was born when my parents lived on Gleason St. and the name of my first pet was Poohkie (I was a kid ok, his real name was Poohkie Tzi-of-relief Gizmo Birkhofer, but that's for another conversation) the dog.
Sooooo, my porn name is: Poohkie Gleason. ha!

What's yours?

Some friends who have already chimed in:
Pablo: Maggi McCants
HSD: Peaches Liberty

*not sure why, but I find this absolutely hilarious!*

so don't be shy, post your porn name. You'll laugh, I promise.

P.S. Seargent Gabriel's porn name: Lightsaber Central. That one is pretty good!

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