Things I will miss when I am back in the States:
1. coke in a bottle
2. tacos al pastor and panuchos
3. yummy, cheap avocados at every meal, even in January
4. kinder buenos – whatever will I do?
5. laundry service – maybe this should be number 1…
6. park walks
now that it is “winter” and it “cools” down to a “frigid” 70 degrees at night, Paul and I have gotten into the habit of taking park walks after the Law and Order re-run (or during if we have already seen it). The park is neat (mental note to take a photo) and takes up a full city block. Around the perimeter is a walking (or if you are so inclined a jogging) path. We pretend (because we really don’t know) that one lap = ¼ of a mile so we go at least 4 laps a night sometimes more when we lose trackwhile we are jabbering. There is also a very friendly homeless black cat that lives in the park and likes to nuzzle with your feet as you walk by her. I’ll miss her too.
Things that I will NOT miss when I am back in the States:
1. the rooster that lives next door
which is kind of a funny story, if you don’t wake up to said rooster every morning at 4:30am. Paul and I have a running joke about the rooster. The rooster lives much closer to our apartment than he does to the owner’s house. The woman who lives in the house probably doesn’t even hear the rooster in the mornings like we do. We like to take walks in the evenings, sometimes fairly late when the air is cooler, and we joke on our way back as we pass her house that we should stand under her bedroom window at about 12:30am and start crowing like roosters! ha! Maybe we’ll do that on our last night here!
2. the crappy tea/coffee served in restaurants. A yummy cupful of ashtray! Exactly what I wanted! (though I do have to admit that Wal-Mart (I know, I know, but you don't LIVE here) that Wal-mart carries a fair selection of Twinings and Celestial Seasonings. I have recently purchased both "Chamomile and Spearmint" (Twinings) and "Sleepytime" (Celestial Seasonings), which I highly recommend. I never bought it in the States but I slept great after a cup of Sleepytime last night. Go figure.
3. lighting the hot water heater in the morning. I think the thing doubles as hot water heater/mosquito sanctuary – not the best way to wake up in the morning.
4. chicken death smell
This one may need some explanation: There is a chain restaurant by our house (luckily it is 4 blocks away) called pollo brujo (witch) – yeah she’s a brujo alright, a long dead and decaying one because the place smells like raw (dead) chickens were left out back like 3 years ago and still haven’t been cleaned up. Clearly this is not the case because the rat-ferrets (our lovely Yucatecan Opossum) would have taken care of them by now but you get the idea of what the place smells like. It smells like chicken death. Technically the fastest way to walk to the park in our neighborhood (see above park walks) is past chicken death restaurant but we now go around to avoid the smelly raunchiness.
5. ants – all of ‘em
6. the bus system
Being passed by a bus that you want to take, being told to pay twice, sitting on the sunny side of the bus on a hot day. I will not miss this.
Random Adendum:
Here’s a story for you:
Paul went to this photocopy shop to have some things photocopied. (Still with me?) They said Sure! we can photocopy these things and they’ll be done at 4pm. Paul says ok and comes back to the shop at 4pm (which is his mistake because 4 here means like quarter to five, but anyway) so at 5:30 he’s still sitting there waiting for his stuff to finish being photocopied and he notices the guy who is doing the photocopying is trying to hurry. In an effort to speed up the process for Paul he is skipping pages as he photocopies! And Paul’s all like Sweet! ‘cuz what I really wanted was every 4th page of the book! So now he has to go back to have them fix it. I bet they’ll tell him it’ll be ready at 4!
More as it Happens!
1. coke in a bottle
2. tacos al pastor and panuchos
3. yummy, cheap avocados at every meal, even in January
4. kinder buenos – whatever will I do?
5. laundry service – maybe this should be number 1…
6. park walks
now that it is “winter” and it “cools” down to a “frigid” 70 degrees at night, Paul and I have gotten into the habit of taking park walks after the Law and Order re-run (or during if we have already seen it). The park is neat (mental note to take a photo) and takes up a full city block. Around the perimeter is a walking (or if you are so inclined a jogging) path. We pretend (because we really don’t know) that one lap = ¼ of a mile so we go at least 4 laps a night sometimes more when we lose trackwhile we are jabbering. There is also a very friendly homeless black cat that lives in the park and likes to nuzzle with your feet as you walk by her. I’ll miss her too.
Things that I will NOT miss when I am back in the States:
1. the rooster that lives next door
which is kind of a funny story, if you don’t wake up to said rooster every morning at 4:30am. Paul and I have a running joke about the rooster. The rooster lives much closer to our apartment than he does to the owner’s house. The woman who lives in the house probably doesn’t even hear the rooster in the mornings like we do. We like to take walks in the evenings, sometimes fairly late when the air is cooler, and we joke on our way back as we pass her house that we should stand under her bedroom window at about 12:30am and start crowing like roosters! ha! Maybe we’ll do that on our last night here!
2. the crappy tea/coffee served in restaurants. A yummy cupful of ashtray! Exactly what I wanted! (though I do have to admit that Wal-Mart (I know, I know, but you don't LIVE here) that Wal-mart carries a fair selection of Twinings and Celestial Seasonings. I have recently purchased both "Chamomile and Spearmint" (Twinings) and "Sleepytime" (Celestial Seasonings), which I highly recommend. I never bought it in the States but I slept great after a cup of Sleepytime last night. Go figure.
3. lighting the hot water heater in the morning. I think the thing doubles as hot water heater/mosquito sanctuary – not the best way to wake up in the morning.
4. chicken death smell
This one may need some explanation: There is a chain restaurant by our house (luckily it is 4 blocks away) called pollo brujo (witch) – yeah she’s a brujo alright, a long dead and decaying one because the place smells like raw (dead) chickens were left out back like 3 years ago and still haven’t been cleaned up. Clearly this is not the case because the rat-ferrets (our lovely Yucatecan Opossum) would have taken care of them by now but you get the idea of what the place smells like. It smells like chicken death. Technically the fastest way to walk to the park in our neighborhood (see above park walks) is past chicken death restaurant but we now go around to avoid the smelly raunchiness.
5. ants – all of ‘em
6. the bus system
Being passed by a bus that you want to take, being told to pay twice, sitting on the sunny side of the bus on a hot day. I will not miss this.
Random Adendum:
Here’s a story for you:
Paul went to this photocopy shop to have some things photocopied. (Still with me?) They said Sure! we can photocopy these things and they’ll be done at 4pm. Paul says ok and comes back to the shop at 4pm (which is his mistake because 4 here means like quarter to five, but anyway) so at 5:30 he’s still sitting there waiting for his stuff to finish being photocopied and he notices the guy who is doing the photocopying is trying to hurry. In an effort to speed up the process for Paul he is skipping pages as he photocopies! And Paul’s all like Sweet! ‘cuz what I really wanted was every 4th page of the book! So now he has to go back to have them fix it. I bet they’ll tell him it’ll be ready at 4!
More as it Happens!
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