Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Viva Mexico!!

Ok, first things first, here is Paul with the flan that Señora Ramirez made him for his birthday. I am already signed up to make it with her sometime to learn her secrets (a tablespoon of orange juice perhaps?) because it is the world's BEST flan. I know, you're saying: I'm not a big fan of flan (those don't rhyme) it tastes mushy to me. That is because you have never had this flan. Amazing and SuperYummy!

Here's the rest of the post, if it looks like we were eating doughnuts in the dark, well, it's because we were - our overhead light burned out and we haven't replaced it yet. Sorry for the dark photos, but they are better than nothing. Enjoy!

Viva Mexico!

Friday is Mexico´s Independence Day and the way people are gearing up, it looks to be a great big party! There are banners and lights all over downtown and millions (not exaggerating) of kiosks selling flags, streamers, drums, horns, you name it all in green, white, and red! To show you how into it everyone is here I am including some photos of our contribution to Independence Day: it was hard taking one for the club let me tell you!

So we decided to call these Freedom Doughnuts and all of the supermarkets have them (and yes, they are really yummy.) Might have to get more before the festivities are over on Friday. Señor Ramirez has explained to us that we must go downtown for the party and that it will be crazy. We have scoped out the best place on the square and are going to go get beer, I mean lemonade in the afternoon to keep our spot. Look for an update on the festivities and more photos on Sat or Sun.

Other than the big party on Friday, we are doing fine. I am still working up my thesis and Paul likes all of his classes.

Oh yeah, I found popcorn (did I mention that already?) AND the green kind of Herbal Essences shampoo, which I love AND which is no longer available in the US b-c they changed their concept or whatever, so I am super happy about that. Paul did not seem to share my enthusiasm when I demanded that we buy the shampoo at that moment, but you should have seen his face when he saw all the tequila on sale for Independence Day...

Oh yeah, we also saw a really cool salsa dish that has the green, white, and red on it AND when you get finished eating your chips or whatnot you turn the bowl over and have a smoke - it is an ashtray. We are so getting one just to prove it exists…

More this weekend!

P.S. We really need to make some friends so we can have a picture of us together!



Anonymous said...

Doughnuts look yummy but Julio Franco would not approve! Tom

Anonymous said...

I want to make the flan--maybe we can have it Christmas? Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yo yo...
I understand your excitement about the shampoo, Melissa! I was very upset for a while trying to figure out what I was going to use to wash my hair, considering I've used Herbal Essences roughly since I was 14. Neil suggested White Rain, his cheap ass shampoo from college. I told him no. Boys!


Anonymous said...

You should send the "Mexican Flag Donuts on Floral Tablecloth" photo to the Mexican version of Gourmet magazine--I see cover potential here!