Wednesday, July 05, 2006

8 weeks and counting...

Hi All,

Welcome to my first post as Merida Meli. I'm not Merida Meli yet though b/c I'm still in the states but Pablo (my husband) and I are gearing up for the big move. Mostly, we are spoiling our two dogs, [Masha - a prissy and determined Aussie-Cattle Dog mix and Lucas - a laid-back sleeper/eater/sleeper Cattle Dog-Beagle mix] b/c we are feeling some parental guilt for leaving them behind. But no worries, they will be well taken care of by our good friends Brian and Keri Espain until we get back and re-claim our identities. As soon as I figure our how to post photos/hyperlink to this thing I'll be ready to post from Mexico. Y'all better post here too, I'm not just gonna keep writing to outer space the whole time - although it is kinda fun...

I'm off, I have to get up early to take my car in to fix the power steering resevoir so it will pass inspection so we can leave it with the Espains while we're gone. The life of a world traveller is sooo exciting, don't you think?...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to here that you made it to MX fine...and that the digs are up to par. Tres cool, I am sure. Next you will have to share pics on the new appliances - ha! I bet you are impressed with my checking your blog. I am down with this new technology. In fact, met some cool guys on the plane after I left you - they convinced me to have a my space. I do not know how to work Here it goes (truthfully, I cannot figure out how to log onto it). Anyway - will chat soon. Back to "work"