I have to say I was a little disappointed by the puny amount of emails I received with suggestions to name our gecko. (Who, we hope didn’t drown in the deluge we received last night – so much for the ‘dry’ season). I had imagined floods of emails with witty quips and ideas that would leave me in a pile of entries that I would have to sort through carefully, taking up AT LEAST an afternoon that I had planned to work on the thesis, but alas, the thesis is coming along. That said, many thanks to the contributors!
So without further ado…
(you have to scroll)
First Place goes to: (
drum roll!!!)
The only non-humans to vote, Mr. Sutton and Miss Ellie of Bloomington, Indiana! The gecko’s name is
Kibbles – but we are NOT going to eat him, pups.
For the record, Paul liked Roy Williams but we thought it might be strange to say every evening, hey, there’s Roy Williams, see him? We might look at one another as if one of us had gone crazy and then remember oh yeah, the gecko!
In other news, we have our TV back, though we had to pay for the repairs (?). I mean it’s not like we can bring it home with us in the summer… but whatever – 6.5 weeks to repair and the labor is guaranteed for 30 days, ha!
Paul is recovering from a pretty bad cold and is trying to get his project moving, but you know how complicated the life of a graduate student is... it’s a massive amount of work.
That’s all I can thing of right now – the café closes for the siesta (don’t even get me started) so I better try to publish this before we get kicked out, besides as much as I like tea that tastes like warm water with a dash of ash, I could use a cup of real flavor at home...
More Sooner than last time