Here's a photo of our new hammock! Paul's working hard as you can see.
The hammock is great and the temps are getting cooler so it is nice to lay in it and read a book, or nap, as shown. It is called a matramonial especial, which as far as we can tell, means it holds three people (don't go there) meaning two parents and a child. It holds the two of us fine, but there's no room for a friend! ha!
In other news, Paul is kicking my butt in Rummy, our TV is STILL broken, and we are loving all the yucatecans wearing sweaters when it is a chilly 70 degrees outside. It was wonderful, I don't think I broke a sweat all day - that would be except when I almost stepped on a dead rat on the way home from the bus stop from school, but anyway...
So we are going to head home after a hot chocolate and carrot cake at our wireless cafe. We got on the bus Wednesday night coming home from said cafe and we asked the bus driver when the last bus was (it was 10:30pm) and he says, this is the last bus all night! Phew! It's a long walk... well, until you hail down a taxi and go home, but still...
ok, we're heading home! more soon